A high ride, forward cant holster with a unique belt loop that allows it to also be used at the correct angle for cross draw. Made for semi-automatics. (For revolvers, CLICK HERE).

Fits belts up to 2.25" wide when worn forward cant and belts up to 1.75" when worn cross-draw. Options include: Black or Walnut Oil - Plain or Basketweave - Lined or Unlined. Please note that the trigger guard is usually covered with semi-auto pistols, and exposed with revolvers. The inset holster pictures were made for revolvers.

This is a top quality handcrafted holster. Hand boned, expertly stitched using waxed linen thread. Made of durable leather, each hide is carefully handpicked by the master craftsmen. Each one must be blemish free, supple to the human touch and consistent in gauge and weight. Rough-cut edges are skived round and burnished on a radius creating a natural, smooth finish on each and every fiber. Made in the USA.

Although the production time can vary, please allow approximately 2-8 weeks for shipment of this holster.

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Lightning Strongside/Crossdraw - Semi-autos

  • Product #: TK11-440A
  • 96.50

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Tags: Lightning Strongside/Crossdraw - Semi-autos